2 Μαρ 2023
On behalf of LIDIS, we would like to express our condolences to the families and loved ones of those who lost their lives in the recent train collision tragedy in Tempe.
The incident has brought to light what we all repeatedly realize in Greece. There is a huge need for improved systems, laws, and leadership in the country. It is imperative that we take a thoughtful and lawful approach to address the issues that led to this tragedy.
We recognize the need for a change in attitude and beliefs in order to demand and deliver proper services without any compromise, corner-cutting, or corruption. We must demand justice and reform for the victims and their families, and hold those responsible accountable for their actions without resorting to scapegoating.
It is clear the train track was not operationally certified and should have been closed. We call upon everyone to demand the responsible parties take ownership of their actions and be held accountable for their negligence. From the train organization CEO to the Minister for Transport to the Prime Minister.
We urge our political leaders to demonstrate the required political and personal strength to accept the responsibility and punishment, in order to signal a change and a hope that’s such tragic incidents do not occur in the future.
We believe that we all share the responsibility as members of society to fight corruption and to perform our jobs without compromises. We must all do our part to prevent such tragedies from occurring again.
We remain committed to supporting efforts to improve safety and prevent future tragedies. Our thoughts are with the families and loved ones of the victims during this difficult time.